Friday, June 19, 2009~

Day 13 & Monday?

I've lost track of what day it feels like for me. I'm still recovering from the two weeks of work. My schedule is finally settling down and into the summer routine. Our summer staff are beginning to get used to the kitchen and feel more comfortable in it, not only working faster and more efficiently, but also picking up on the atmosphere by randomly breaking into song at the top of their lungs or racing the empty racks across the commissary. Today we would have gotten out on time had there been enough fried chicken prepped for us. The prep sheet said 12 cases of chicken for 750 campers plus another 500 staff. To put things into perspective, I use about 4 cases for 150 staff in the off season. So, five minutes into lunch, we run out of chicken, and have to run to Narnia (as we affectionately call our temporary walk-in freezer, due to its inherent attribute to freeze the condensation inside, forming a layer of snow over everything inside. It's always winter and never Christmas in there.), pull more chicken, throw some into the fryer to get it cooking, then pan up the rest and throw it into the oven. Which, by the time the oven preheats and then cooks the chicken, the line is 10 minutes away from closing and the kids are already all through and mostly gone. But the grilled cheese lasted. Let's hope the prep sheets get fixed for next week. One would think it'd be noticed by the fourth time this happens...


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