Wednesday, January 20, 2010~

Snowstorm, Day 4

Yes, I am jumping right into day 4 because days one and two were nothing short of pathetic. We got maybe an inch on day one, and then mostly rain and slush on day two. Day three (yesterday) was slightly better - we got about a foot of snow in the morning before it tapered off in the afternoon. I went down the hill yesterday, so I didn't get many pictures of up here. Today is day four. It's been snowing heavily since I got up at 9:00 this morning, and we've received close to another two feet. The forecast says it'll continue like this through Friday evening, but as you see below, the weather forecast can't always be trusted... We've been out of power and running on generators since Sunday morning, so hopefully I'll be able to keep you updated with pictures as the storm goes on. If not, I will be taking pictures and will post them as soon as power and internet is restored. Stay tuned!

The forecast according to Apparently they haven't looked outside their window yet.

I know I left my porch steps right here! I'm positive!!!

Snow on my roof, with my hand as reference.

There are three cars in this picture. Can you find them all?

The road to laundry is wide and slippery. Watch your step.

The road to laundry is also lined with 3-foot-high banks of snow.

Maintenance hard at work! THANK YOU!!!


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