Monday, September 28, 2009~

Best Soda Display Ever!

Found this online the other day...

Sunday, September 20, 2009~

In Which, An Assassination is Attempted, and Avoided

This weekend, the new Joshua class was initiated into weekend working at Hume Lake. I was off work before they showed up on Friday, so my first introduction to them was late Saturday morning when I came into work at 10:30a. All seemed nice and well on the surface, but deep inside, trouble was brewing. I'm not sure who found out first, but one told another and soon They had been contacted. And that's when things turned dirty. I was in the dishroom dumping something into the trash can when They put a bucket away above the sinks. (Of course, I didn't know it was Them at the moment. But that was all about to change - in the blink of an eye.) I scraped the last of the food from the pan and turned to put it on the counter when a 5-foot-tall, 30lb stack of heavy-duty buckets fell from the eye-level shelf to the floor, missing my head and hand by mere inches. Sassy McGee, Them, and I looked at the buckets in astonishment: only a split-second spin on the heel had saved my life. After a stunned moment, work slowly returned to normal. They resumed their job, though not without a glance and V-for-"I'm-watching-you" gesture from me. The remainder of the day They behaved, however. Only time will reveal the future's events.

In other news, I started my laundry today.

Friday, September 18, 2009~

Thank You for Your... Vagueness?

I received this in my mailbox today:

Matt from the kitchen is going to offer showers from his cabin at $5 each, based on a numbered ticket system. Now Showering: Number 3; Next Shower In: 4:58, 57, 56...

Sunday, September 13, 2009~

Sunday, a Kickoff BBQ, & a Welcome

Today, Hume church kicked off the season with a BBQ and then the first service of the off season. We've partnered up with the Well Community Church in Fresno and will be receiving video messages from their pastor for our Sunday evening service. Before the service, the elders put on a BBQ on the Meadow Ranch lawn for staff and the incoming 2010 Joshua class and parents.
The sermon was really thought-provoking and inspiring. So much so, that about 10 minutes from the end, a bat flew in through one of the open doors and was flying around in front of the projector screen. He finally found a spot to hang on a rafter with a clear view of the screen. Here at Hume Lake, even the animals are filled with the Holy Spirit!

Friday Afternoon

I'm off for the next two days!! Hooray! Now to figure out what to do...

Saturday, September 12, 2009~

David Crowder, Church Music Intro

Presented by the one and only David himself.

Thursday, September 10, 2009~

Small Woodland Mammal Preservation Day

Today is Small Woodland Mammal Preservation Day! I saved: 2 Small Woodland Mammals!

Okay, so it's not officially, but that's how it turned out. On break this morning, I was walking to the post office and this squirrel runs in front of me, inches from my feet. Then, this evening, I was riding my bike back home and find a skunk scratching at something in the middle of the road. Thankfully, it was right beneath one of the two lights along the mile road home, so I was able to steer far around him. But fifteen yards closer or further and I would have added a skunk to my hood ornament collection, not to mention a new semi-permanent deodorant scent. I quickly turned my flashlight on the rest of the ride home.

How many Small Woodland Mammals did you save today? (And siblings and roommates don't count!)


Happiness is:

Two new soap dispensers:

A griddle cleaned and polished better than store display models:

(Yes, we do actually use that griddle, and no it is not new.)

Sunday, September 6, 2009~

It's OVER!!!

All summer camps are over, Country Fair has passed, conferences have kicked off with Colloquium, Joshua Wilderness Institute starts in a week, David Crowder Band's new album comes out in a little over two weeks, and summer is OVER!! We survived yet another year of craziness, insanity, and just a little bit of fun to keep us from going sane for the rest of the year: